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( Insecticidal Soap )
Active Ingredient : Coconut Soap 65% Formulation : Soluble Liquid (SL)
Dosage and Application method
The recommended dosage for PALIZIN is 1.5 to 2.5 ml/L water , which can be repeated in 3 to 4 day intervals , if required . PALIZIN is a contact insec
Toxicological Information
PALIZIN has a very low mammalian toxicity and it is essentially non-toxic to humans. (LD50 >5000 mg/Kg )
Pre - Harvest Interval (PHI)
PALIZIN leaves no toxic residue on plants, and edible crops sprayed with PALIZIN solution, can be harvested and consumed, after the solution has evapo
1and4 liter PE bottles 20 L PE containers

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22856628 ، 22856479 ، 22898670
PALIZIN is an effective insecticide and acaricide , which will control a variety of soft bodied insect pests (aphids , whiteflies, leaf hoppers , soft scales ,. ) and mites on vegetables , ornamental plants , trees and shrubs and greenhouse plantings .

• Specifications :
Active Ingredient : Coconut Soap 65%
Formulation : Soluble Liquid (SL)

• Dosage and Application Interval:
The recommended dosage for PALIZIN is 1.5 to 2.5 ml/L water , which can be repeated in 3 to 4 day intervals , if required .
PALIZIN is a contact insecticide, therefore, complete coverage of infested plant parts and direct contact of the solution with insects' bodies is crucial to proper control.

• Toxicological Information:
PALIZIN has a very low mammalian toxicity and it is essentially non-toxic to humans.
(LD50 >5000 mg/Kg )

• Pre - Harvest Interval (PHI):
PALIZIN leaves no toxic residue on plants, and edible crops sprayed with PALIZIN solution, can be harvested and consumed, after the solution has evaporated.

• Packaging :
1 & 4 liter PE bottles
20 L PE containers